Monday 8 October 2012

The House of Night, books 1-3

The travesty that is the House of Night series is that P.C. Cast made an incredible world with an interesting story and then stuck unforgiving characters and shit dialogue into it. I legitimately wish I could read the rest of the series to find out what happens because the world is interesting, and the plot SHOULD be completely enthralling, there is just one small problem. The main character (Zoey) is a whiny ho-bag, the "twins" are a bunch of dumb bitches, and Damien and Jack are so gay stereotyped it feels completely unreal. And her main boyfriend, 19yr old Erik, doesn't grow any balls until the end of book 3 when he gets severely hurt and FINALLY (to my great satisfaction) calls Zoey a slut! That two pages of dialogue was the most satisfying part of this whole awful experience. (And then they write him out, psh)

The only likeable character in this series so far is the character everyone in the book hates, Aphrodite. I survived what is the first 3 books (barely) with my life. It was a close call, I've never had such a struggle to try and finish a book before and I'll admit I speed read a bunch and skipped a couple Zoey rants near the end of book 3. One of the biggest problems is that hardly anything happens in the books. Its like trying to watch the Naruto anime. By the time you FINALLY get back to the plot you are so frustrated and annoyed you can't even enjoy it, and then you are tossed into more filler shit. These 3 books could have been written into one really good book, but instead they are filled with multiple explanations and recaps of things you already know or are blatantly obvious. 

Half the book feels like she is just trying to fill pages, which unfortunatly takes away from the story. The story should be good but the honest truth is you could probably read every second or third book and not be confused by whats going on. Book one had the longest time span, I think it covered one whole month. Book two covered about two weeks and book three filled over 300 pages from a whopping 4 days! Do you realise all the incredible adventures Harry Potter had in his first year at Hogwarts? And that book was 310 pages. Instead of filling one book full of action packed adventure, P.C. Cast fills 3 books full of shit and dons it with jewels and feathers to try and make it look more appealing.

My rating for this series is 2 Anastasia's out of 5 Christian Grey's, because at least 50 Shades had sex in it.


P.S.  Post with some of my favourite quotes here


  1. I love that you sign it "A" lol.

    Note to self: Don't ever bother with this series!

    1. haha ya I don't know why I decided to start that, but I thought I needed a signature and "A." seemed like it was cool :P

      This series is like a really beautiful painting that someone smears chocolate pudding all over. The world behind the characters is beautiful and awesome, but they destroy it as soon as they open their mouths...
